Do I really need to do this?

i dont know but my deliberate oblieteration of a lot of the grammar is my personal stamp on everything that i scribble. it oversimplifies things which is usually simple enough to understand and where difficult i do revert to using  grammar as diligenty as we are supposed to have been taught. yes i call it scribbling and not writing because i dont write you see. for writing would involve conveying a whole message in one go in a most articulate manner of speech be it written on paper or typed up on the screeen. whereas i scribble to let the reader fleetingly glimpse at a portion of my thought rather than the whole because portions are understood easier by most than the whole picture. the masses have to be fed bits of the grand a piece at a time to subtley but surely win them over and leave them no room for their own thought.

i seem to be losing myself in thought …

every moment of every second of every minute and so on so forth is occupied by hundreds of thoughts within the mind of one person. what then would be the sum total of each and every minds thoughts per second and then per day. for it is thoughts stray or not that turn to words and actions eventually habits and character of that mind. but the mind is itself an onion. so many thoughts behind that metaphor that it is too time consuming to put them on paper and hence the use of the metaphor… get the message across in the shortest time possible with the least resources used. brutal effciency of the mind is the only thing that could come up with that. as i was saying the mind is an onion, layers upon layers, facades covering facades but which one is true self? only the owner of the mind knows.

but then through studying every detail of the life of the mind one can easily make out the most basic and foundation character of the mind … but nobody takes the time ….

time .. something everyone has too little off. if that is the case and everyone is so busy then what are they so busy doing? where do they all go? when do they all do it? while every is so very busy they still find time to check facebook or any other number of social forums, they find the time to check email, to wrtie scribble a blog, to read a blog, to text a friend and so many other things all of which are secondary to their primary duties and priorities but nobody actually has the time to actually do something meaningful or if they do then they start out meaning well but end up back in the throes of vanity and materialism …

wait what am i doing here ?

not really sure but i needed to tempt the words to flow from my mind to try and whip the lazy and obnoxiously obese mind back into shape and at 480 words approx it is already gasping for breath no longer used to the mental agility it possessed in days not so long ago

yet it has acquired a new facet a new lens to view the world with and it adds this to the already hoarded piles of dimensions it can view the world through and the kaliedoscope it can percieve is nothing compared to what the older and more mature minds can see but it is this particular pattern is something even they could not come up with.. the pattern is so ugly and yet so fascinating it is like a living being in itself and it has a hypnotic gravity about it sucking all that are within reach and spewing them out the other side having been shown glimpses of the trails of fire and blood that the soul of the mind has already gone through …

take a breath for even i cant seem to unravel what this mind is telling me and yet we live happily together in this selfsame cage that spews forth from its digits and taste sensing element the very same thoughts you see before you…

lost all is lost only to be found anew …..

to contradict the beginnning there are times when portions of thoughts are just that portions and they cannot be understood properly without signficant detail, insight and clear context … this is most often the usual case and therefore the method more in demand particularly due to the need to understand ones purpose and in a failed attempt to explain everything including those which cannot be explained more than the words miracle and devine intervention  and all just to know oneself better ….

what one would not do do be united with one’s self … mind body and soul …..