Sunday, September 19, 2010

What should be your super-power?

Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive.
You understand people better than they would like to be understood.
Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details.
You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on!

Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now 

and / or 

Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity

You're highly reactive, energetic, and super charged.
If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second.
But you don't harness your energy unless you truly need to.
And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of.

Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days

Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hamster saves the day! (ramblings 3)

After acquiring a job for which one has worked hard and prayed harder, one tend to be fall into the pool of excitement and is drunk with elation.

How often that happens to everyone else? I would not know and I could not guess.

Returning to the topic, the mentioned elated feelings then tend to linger and tinge the view of the world that the person has at least for a short time. This feeling of drunkenness can lead one to do something extremely foolish precisely when utter sobriety is the utmost requirement.

One such fellow not so long ago in a galaxy not so far away in a city not so unknown just happened to have done exactly one such act of foolishness while under the influence of this hyper-elation of a dream come true or rather a goal achieved.

True that this act of foolishness was not really all that bad but it was bad enough to ruin the day. A tiny nudging of the REM cycle was all that it was. But something that seems so insignificant, can have decently dire consequences or so that one elated fellow found to his/her dismay. For the day was nearly lost as well as the new job due to the the simple fact of going to bed just eight hours too late. Of course the "bad hair day" or  "ugly day" that followed could have gotten worse of that person had not the wit or the ability to think quickly on their feet.

So regardless of everything does the hamster come to the rescue of man!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick-Scribble: Invincibility

Mark of those that are but lost,
Irremovable at all the cost. 
Wreak order on th disorder,
Discipline chaos within the border.

Beyond the chasm within the soul,
An abyss that makes one whole.
For balance, combine this trinity!
Attain for a time mere invincibility!

By well me .. obviously!

I believe it can also be found on my deviant art account!
veiw the post below

To post or not to post?

After a gruelling night shift duty at work I am sitting here in front of the laptop wondering: should I post? If so, then what do I post? What do I feel like saying this time? But as an answer to all those question my mind just draw a blank. At least that is so for a while before my mind starts nudging me to post up the story I am currently working on and not the one that has appeared in the previous posts. I am unwilling to this bizarre direction my thoughts have taken, nevertheless even my heart yearns to share the story to have atleast some one read it and comment on it. But I am firm on this: that is one story I dont intend to share on the net naked to the eyes of those that steal ideas to further their self indulgences.

Therefore, I am here writing this out in an effort to confirm myself one way or another all the while also generating a post. Ergo fulfilling one of my wishes: to add a new post to my blog thus to keep it alive. Regardless, it still leaves the questions partially unanswered while raising others. I am posting and my thoughts are what I am posting, but am I really saying anything at all? I guess I am sharing a feeling of undecisiveness and that itself is worth the post.

I am sure everyone has their moments of undecisiveness at one point in time and space or another. So most everyone will be able to atleast partially if not completely empathise with me about the matter. Then for those awkward moments a moment of silence for their rapidly spent lives in most cases.

How I came to be at this point? Interesting question, and to answer it I will have to explain the last 20 hours or so of my life in this time-space continuum. For one I woke up at 15:00 hours in the afternoon yesterday and immediately got ready to be picked up by the shuttle service for work. Work for me means a day shift on the first day a night shift on the second day followed by two days of rest and then beginning all over. Each shift is about 12.5 hours long and round trip commuting take another 3.25 hours. This means that I actually work 31.5 hours every 4 days or one could say about 46.75 hours a week and all of that is actually accomplished in only 3 working days.

Returning to the matter at hand, we have established I woke up for work and then worked through a night shift. Being an Engineer working in field in the industry and also as last night there was some major clean up operation carried out on the equipment and vessels means that last night was ardous and more vigourous than most.

After arriving home in such a tired state, I climbed up the staircase to gain access to the internet, a friend I had not visited in the last 5 days. This meant a few inboxes filled to their brims with a bit of junk but mostly worth seeing emails and a handful that were urgent and demanded attention even when they arrived 4 days ago. When I was finished trawling through that universe of alphanumeric characters I finally had time for some personal head space. Hardly had I begun relaxing when I remembered that I had a blog which I wanted to keep alive and that it needed to be fed a post to accomplish this for atleast one or two more days. Hence this wall of text has been posted. Also to see if anyone has noticed my blog yet.

Ever the avid non-avid reader