After acquiring a job for which one has worked hard and prayed harder, one tend to be fall into the pool of excitement and is drunk with elation.
How often that happens to everyone else? I would not know and I could not guess.
Returning to the topic, the mentioned elated feelings then tend to linger and tinge the view of the world that the person has at least for a short time. This feeling of drunkenness can lead one to do something extremely foolish precisely when utter sobriety is the utmost requirement.
One such fellow not so long ago in a galaxy not so far away in a city not so unknown just happened to have done exactly one such act of foolishness while under the influence of this hyper-elation of a dream come true or rather a goal achieved.
True that this act of foolishness was not really all that bad but it was bad enough to ruin the day. A tiny nudging of the REM cycle was all that it was. But something that seems so insignificant, can have decently dire consequences or so that one elated fellow found to his/her dismay. For the day was nearly lost as well as the new job due to the the simple fact of going to bed just eight hours too late. Of course the "bad hair day" or "ugly day" that followed could have gotten worse of that person had not the wit or the ability to think quickly on their feet.
So regardless of everything does the hamster come to the rescue of man!
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