Friday, August 12, 2011

breaking silence

I am not sure about my next step, but I do want to continue.
The dilemma is nothing as drastic as choosing jobs. It is a lot simpler than that:
I want to be published and in as many categories as humanly possible for me. Do I need to be an expert in any one such subject to get published in that subject (for example under Dewey Decimal System Classes/Categories ). Also if I do not need to be an expert to be published in any subject but just need to have the most basic and fundamental knowledge of the principles then after acquiring such enlightenment how do I go about getting published.

One solution to the said dilemma is presented to me by the most easy route anyone with access to internet could think of: BLOGS
I could post all my thoughts or at least most of them on a given category and class of the dewey decimal system per say, but how many people would I then be impacting. There was a recent discussion about the matter between a friend and myself, but we failed to reach a conclusion. A random reader then commented on my point of view 'shows how non american you are'. Truth be told, it does not matter to me if I fit a stereo type or not. It is my belief that knowledge and its interpretations should be shared and tolerated provided the said material is of at least some standard and quality so as to improve and enhance the society on a local and global scale. After all when the world has become shorter thanks to the internet and all the technology why then are we becoming a barrier to our own development. But that is a discussion for one of the first topics I will be posting about from the Dewey Decimal System.

Maybe sometime one of you readers will provide a helpful suggestion to this seemingly easy problem that the hamster in the upper chamber is having with the drum beater in the rib cage ....

Live long and prosper and may the Force be with you. So say we all.  

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